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Want to join the fun? Become a member! 

There are three classes of membership open to all persons in good standing with the American Kennel Club and with the Scottish Terrier Club of America and who subscribe to the purposes of this club. 


The three classes of membership are: Active Member, Associate Member and Junior Member. Active and Associate membership is open to persons 18 years or older , while Junior membership may only be under the age of 18 years and at least 9 years old.


  • Active members may vote at any meeting, or be elected or appointed to any office of the Club; and only Active members will be counted to determine the presence of a quorum at any regular Club meeting, which shall be 20 percent of the active members.  


  • Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership except those of voting or holding elective offices in the Club. 


  • Junior members shall have all the privileges of membership except those of voting and holding elective or appointive office in the Club. 


If you are interested in membership with STCGH, please complete the Membership Application and submit to the Club Treasurer. 


Checks Payable to: STCGH 

Send to: Claudia Leffler, Treasurer, 11502 Advance Dr, Houston, TX 77065

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